Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Practices for Requirements Engineering (1)


        The notion of best practices is debatable: who decides what is "best" and on what basis?
§  One approach is to convene a body of industry experts or researchers to analyze projects from many different organizations
        These experts look for practices whose effective performance is associated with successful projects and which are performed poorly or not at all on failed projects.
        The experts reach consensus on the activities that consistently yield superior results.
        Such activities are called best practices.
§  They represent highly effective ways for software professionals to increase the chance of success on certain kinds of projects and in certain situations.

Requirements Engineering Good Practices

        Table 3.1 lists nearly 50 practices, grouped into seven categories, that can help most development teams do a better job on their requirements activities.
        Several of the practices contribute to more than one category, but each practice appears only once in the table.
        These practices aren't suitable for every situation, so use good judgment, common sense, and experience instead of ritualistically following a script.

1-      Knowledge
·         Because the requirements process is essential, all project stakeholders should understand the concepts and practices of requirements engineering.
·         Training can increase the proficiency and comfort level of those who serve as analysts, but it can't compensate for missing interpersonal skills or a lack of interest.
·         Similarly, developers should receive grounding in the concepts and terminology of the application domain.

        Good practices in knowledge include:
        Train requirements analysts.
§  All team members of RE process should receive basic training in requirements engineering for several days. Skills include patient, well organized, interpersonal and communication, understanding of the application domain.
         Educate user representatives and managers about software requirements.
§  Users should receive one or two days of education about requirements engineering. The training will help understanding the value of emphasizing requirements, the activities and deliverables involved, and the risks of neglecting requirements processes.
        Train developers in application domain concepts.
§  To help them achieve a basic understanding of the application domain. This can reduce confusion, miscommunication, and rework down the road.
        Create a project glossary.
§  Include synonyms, terms that can have multiple meanings, and terms that have both domain-specific and everyday meanings. This will reduce misunderstandings.

2-Requirements Elicitation

        As discussed in chapter 1, levels of requirements are business, user, and functional.
        These come from different sources at different times during the project, have different audiences and purposes, and need to be documented in different ways.
        The business requirements expressed in the project scope must not exclude any essential user requirements, and you should be able to trace all functional requirements back to specific user requirements.
        You also need to elicit nonfunctional requirements, such as quality and performance expectations, from appropriate sources. You can find additional information about these topics in the following chapters .

Good practices for eliciting requirements include:
        Define a requirements development process.
        This will provide guidance and help analysts do a consistently good job. It also make it easier to plan each project's requirements development tasks, schedule, and required resources.
        Write a vision and scope document (business requirements).
        The vision statement gives all stakeholders a common understanding of the product's objectives. The scope defines the boundary between what's in and what's out for a specific release. Together, the vision and scope provide a reference against which to evaluate proposed requirements.
        Identify user classes (groups) and their characteristics.
        To avoid overlooking the needs of any user community. Describe aspects of their job tasks, attitudes, location, or personal characteristics that might influence product design.
        Select a product champion for each user class.
        The product champion presents the needs of the user class and makes decisions on its behalf. Product champions must have the authority to make decisions at the user-requirements level.
        Establish focus groups of typical users.
        Convene groups of representative users of your previous product releases or of similar products. Collect their input on both functionality and quality characteristics for the product under development. Unlike product champions, focus groups generally do not have decision-making authority.
        Work with user representatives to identify use cases. 
        Explore with your user representatives the tasks they need to accomplish with the software—their use cases. Discuss the interactions between the users and the system that will allow them to complete each such task.
        Identify system events and responses.
        List the external events that the system can experience and its expected response to each event. Events include signals or data received from external hardware devices and temporal events that trigger a response, such as an external data feed that your system generates at the same time every night. Business events trigger use cases in business applications.
        Hold facilitated elicitation workshops.
        Facilitated requirements-elicitation workshops that permit collaboration between analysts and customers are a powerful way to explore user needs and to draft requirements documents . Specific examples of such workshops include Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) sessions and Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions.
        Observe users performing their jobs.
        Simple workflow diagrams—data flow diagrams work well—can depict when the user has what data and how that data is used. Documenting the business process flow will help you identify requirements for a system that's intended to support that process.

to be cont... 

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